Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Coming Soon

Thank you so much to all of you who read this blog regularly. Isaac and Hannah have enjoyed posting and reading all your comments. It has been a great,authentic way for them both to learn the writing process. Due to the end of school, posting will stop until the fall. The name of the blog will also be changing so be looking for the new "notebook" with additional authors who are now in 4th grade. Thank you and God Bless you!

Miss Rachel

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Kangaroo by Hannah

Subject: Kangaroo
Kingdom: Animal
Phylum: Vertebrate
Class: Mammals
Order: Marsupials

Baby kangaroos are called "joeys". Kangaroo''s help them balance.

Kangaroos are born in pouches. Kangaroos are related to the duck-
billed platypus, the Tasmanian devil, and the Koala Bear.

Gorilla by Isaac

I decided to report to you about Gorillas!

Subject: Gorilla
Adult: can weigh up to 500 lbs.
Personality: A gorilla can act mean to scare away his/her enemies.
Gorillas can learn sign language if they are taught.

Kingdom: Animal
Phylum: Vertebrate
Class: Mammal
Order: Primate

Fun Facts: The Gorilla is the largest great ape. There are
About 180 species of primates.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Camel by Isaac

I got this idea when you were thinking of the countries of India and Iran.

There once was a Camel, "Water keeper of the desert" the called him. One day he walked straight into the capital of Iran (which was the country he lived in). The people, the guards, and then King chased the camel across two countries. They stopped in a jungle land they called India. The camel and people lived happily ever after.

I wonder... by Hannah

This is a list of things I wonder.

1. I wonder what it would be like to be a grown-up.
2. I wonder why America is so much better than Africa.
3. I wdoner how people make inventions.
4. I wonder when I can watch grown-up moives.
5. I wonder if I could ever make a movie.
6. I wonder what outerspace is like.
7. I wonder who is the most famous person.
8. I wonder how people make bugspray.
9. I wonder if I could be famous.
10. I wonder why dad let me watch Star Wars so early.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pink Skink 1 by Hannah

This is a story about a Skink. I know that Skinks usually aren't pink. That's why I wanted to write this.

There once was a skink who went to the river for a drink.
Then he let out a toot and he really did stink.
But why was he pink? He's a skink!

Valley Forge by Isaac

This poem is about George Washington's men during the long winter at Valley Forge.

It is cold at Valley Forge
We don't have much food to gorge.
We are very weak and blueness
Covers our cheeks. We sleep in
Our bleek little houses, and
Share our homes with the rats and

Valley Forge by Isaac

This poem is about George Washington's men during the long winter at Valley Forge.

It is cold at Valley Forge
We don't have much food to gorge.
We are very weak and blueness
Covers our cheeks. We sleep in
Our bleek little houses, and
Share our homes with the rats and

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Day at the Races by Isaac

I got this idea because I think I'm a good runner.

One, two, three, GO!
All the runners lined up in a row,
Ready to start the dash.
The winner will get caluable cash.
When they hear the whistle blow,
some run fast and some run slow.

I like that I made a poem about running.

My Nature Adventure

This is a true story about when I went to the village of Ajada with my dad and met a puppy.

One day I went to Adjada with my dad. When I got there I met the cutest puppy in the world. He was an African pup, but I didn't care. I followed that puppy everywhere. We went over mounds of dirt, and I held up my skirt so I wouldn't get hurt. We climbed over rocks and kept an eye out for hawks as well climbed over logs and huned for frogs. A man walked by who asked me if I wanted the puppy for almost free. So I wondered, "Is she joking with me?" So I said, "No thanks. I won't buy this cute boy. If I take it back, he'll be Jack's new chew toy!"

I liked that I tried to make it funny at the end.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Shoot, Slash, and Steel: A Pirate's Poem By Isaac

I got this idea of a poem from my book about pirates. I like the book a lot so I decided to write a poem about it.

Blackbeard, Kidd, and others too!
They used to roam the seas as our ships do.
And when they are caught
They are soon found pleading in front
of the towns mob. Next to Deadman's line the whole
Crew, one and all, is there getting
ready to die.

I just like it. It matches with the story in the book about them getting caught and hanged.

A Family of Snakes by Hannah

This is a story about some snakes. I didn't really get the idea from anything. I just thought it up. :)

This is a family of snakes. The daddy is black with orange strips. The mommy is purple with red spots. The sister is green with a blue strip down her back and some purple spots on each side. She has a big black spot on the back of each thigh. These snakes love to eat pie!

I like that I described what the snakes looked like.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Superheros by Isaac

This is a poem I got from superheros like Spiderman. It is a cinquain.

Brave, strong,
Saving, fighting, punching,

I just like how I got to write about something I like.

Lightbulb Trouble by Hannah

I got this idea from having such naughty brothers :)

Am I having a great time in thie lightbulb? NO! Absolutely not! I've been stuck in this lightbulb since a quarter past 9am and outside of the lightbulb all my brothers say is "play, play, play"!

I really like this poem because it's about my brothers. Hope you liked it!

Ice Twins Part 2 by Hannah

This is part 2 of the Ice Twins. You should go back and reread part 1 so that you know what is going on if you forgot.

Part 2: When the ship landed, they were marched out. They were locked up inthe cages and loaded on another ship. When that ship landed, they were carried to the evil doctor's lab. The cages were put in a prison cell. The next day, Jiggley Puff (Ice Twin one's poke'mon) got the keys. She had sliped out of her cage. Finally they escaped. They went back to the lab and decided to make their own copies that would hlep them. A copy is a clone. Ice Twin three and four were operating the machine. When they were made, it wasn't as good as they had planned. Ice Twin three had accidently pushed the wrong button and the copies started throwing things all over the place! The Ice Twins had to sell them to the evil doctor in descise. Then, they got captured again. They were in the cages again. They Found a stick and got the keys! They were chased by the evil doctor all the way to Hawaii and were forced to do that Hula Dance by some dancers. Then the dancers took off their head costumes and it was the evil dotor and their pathetic copies. They started surfing and out-ran the evil doctor so they thought, but the wave got too big. They landed in a vulcher's nest. Then the vulchers took off their head costumes and it was the copies. Then, they were forced off the side of the cliff and landed in Star-world. They went into the wrong mirror. There are a lot of mirrors in start world. They went to Star Wars land and met Luke, Leia, Darth Vader, and the Emperor! "Eeck!", they said. The Ice twins lived in Star Wars for a long time, hoping they could have a little break before they have to save the world from evil again!

This story took me a long time to write, edit, and revise! That is why I haven't posted in a while. I have been working on this the whole time! I learned that it doesn't matter if you're the fastest at writing, it just matters that you do a good job on it!

Isaac's Cinquain

This is a cinquain poem. I got the idea from a Junie B. Jones book called "Cheater Pants". Hope you like it!

Sharp, shinny,
Splintering, hurting, admiring,
It is very useful.

I use books to get ideas for writing. The class in the book was writing cinquains and I wanted to try one of my own. The book told you how to write one and I had to use a Thesaurus on the computer.

My Mom by Isaac (and his mom)

This is a poem about my mom. The word "spacey" isn't suposed to be mean. We made the poem up together.

My mom's name is Tracey.
She is kind of spacey.
Her name isn't Tom. And
She doesn't wear pom poms.

I just liked writing this poem because she's the greatest mom in the whole wide world!

Squishy the Jelly Fish by Isaac

This is a poem, again, which I made up about a jelly fish. I know that a jelly fish cannot squirt a cloud of ink, but that's ok. It's just pretend.

Squishy is a jellyfish.
He is kind of shyish.
He is also childish.
Squishy can squirt a cloud
Of ink. It can make fishs sink.
Squishy will never say Hi, he'll just say bye, bye!

It took a long time to type but it was worth it because I really like it.

Hearts and Sweettarts

This poem is about candy.

Hearts and Sweettarts, Hearts and Sweettarts
Oh how sweet the taste. What
a day we say Horray! for all the people we
love, love, love!

I'm not quite sure what this means, it just came to my head. I like that it rhymes.

Heart Day by Isaac

This a pretty, loveable poem about Valentine's Day! You'll find ways to make friends by doing what the poem says.

On Valentine's Day comes a
Heart day. So give your friend
A tart and bring wishes
To their heart.

I did this poem because Miss Rachel told me write something about Valentine's Day. The meaning of this poem is that you can make friends with anybody.

Ice Twin Story part 1 by Hannah

The Ice Twins are super heros who have ice powers like shooting ice out of their hands. There are two groups of ice twins and they ride on ice mobiles which are blue and green. They have blue suits that they wear when they ride their ice mobiles and when they are on a mission.

Once the Ice Twin one and two were on a mission to the evil doctor's lab and to free all the faithful prisoners he had captured. The misson would be very dangerous but nothing could stop them. "These big trees aren't so...stable", said Ice Twin one. (Ice twin one is a girl and the leader of the group.) Suddenly, BAM! CRASH! "Oh no", said Ice Twin two. (Ice twin two is the boy and the second twin of the first group.) CRASH! CRASH! All the trees started to fall! The vines swung to the left, to the right, and toward them! One vine caught Ice Twin one's wrist. Another vine caught Ice Twin two. They were trapped! Guards came, ceased them, and put them on a ship. It was a gigantic, red and black spaceship. On the ship, they were tied up in a dark corner and were helpless. The only way to escape was for Ice Twins three and four to come to the rescue...
Read the next post in order to find out what happens!!!

Isaac and I started a Ice Twin series. We got the idea of "Ice Twins" from Star Wars and Isaac's video games. This story took me a long time to write and to revise and edit. It will get funnier in th second part where they chased all around the world. Hope you enjoyed it!

The Spy Skunk by Isaac

This a story about a skunk named Billy and a giant named Sululu (Sue Lou).

There once was a skunk named Billy. Billy was a spy. He was a spy because there was a giant in the forest named Sululu. Sululu was the most horrible, dreadful giant you had ever seen! Smashed the animals' homes and they cried! He even demolished Billy's house, but that didn't stop Billy. No Sirree! Because Billy was a skunk he kept making Sululu's eyes swell up by spraying him. Now Sululu was the one who was crying. One day a woman gave Sululu a magic drink. It looked like ordinary water and tasted like soda, but it made Sululu shrink to adult size! He became the forest wood-cutter. Billy the spy skunk continued spraying Sululu, the man, and Sululu kept on running with his sollen eyes shut. THE END

This was a very long process of writing this stories. It took me two days to make it completely finshed. I am so proud of myself for getting this done. It was hard but definitely worth it.

Lion, King of the Beasts by Hannah

This poem is about a lion and a zebra that are arguing. I got the idea from the movie "Over the Hedge".

"Oh great and powerful lion, what do you want?", said the zebra.
"I want a huge piece of meat", said the lion.
The zebra starred into his eye. "First give me a nickel before I die."
The lion said, "How are you going to spend it here?"
"Ok, I'll just have some honey", said the lion.
The zebra said, "Five dollars please." He handed him a bee hive.
"I didn't mean...ouch! ouch! ouch! Thank you ."

I like that I used a lot of strong verbs like "starred" and "spend" in my writing. I also liked the "ouch, ouch ouch" thank you part because it makes the poem funny! Hope you enjoyed it!

The Clothes Eater by Isaac

I got this idea from the poem called "Dinner Guest" out of Where the Side Walk Ends by Shel Silverstein.

Ah, it's the Licker Picker
Beware, when you hear it
Growl and snicker.
He'll gobble up your
Clothes and you'll be
Trapped in the snow, so
Run away into
The mysterious unknown!

What I liked about my writing is the way I used the action verbs like "gobble", "growl" and "snicker". It helps the story sound more alive to the reader!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Homework!?! by Hannah

This poem is about a kid not wanting to do his homework! It's really funny.

Homework Homework, what's the big deal?
I have to do it everyday!
I need a break for goodness sake!
With the sun out and the sky clear
I feel like I could fly here.
Instead of doing my homework,
I could probably play with my friends
and play in the meadow.
That's why I don't like staying home.
I liked the way I wrote the last sentence because it sounds like the person is annoyed, and it's kind of funny too. I liked how I wrote it because I used my imagination about doing homework.

Crazy Nonsense by Isaac

This is a poem I wrote called Crazy Nonsense. It is about kids saying silly stuff about a cube. Hope you enjoy it!

Oh great and wonderful
Cube. We like to
Play with you and I
Suppose you like us
To. I hoped you would
Grow eyes but I can't
Hardly tell you why
Bye bye!
What I liked about this poem is how I used my imagination and rhyming about a cube growing eyes. It is very silly.

Our Blog

Hello! This is our notebook blog. We write in our writer's notebooks and add our favorite pieces that we've written to this blog. You are going to find poetry, stories, and information about Africa on this blog. I hope you put lots of comments on different pieces we have written. This is a picture of us writing in our writer's notebooks. Have a great time reading it!!!