Thursday, February 8, 2007

Lion, King of the Beasts by Hannah

This poem is about a lion and a zebra that are arguing. I got the idea from the movie "Over the Hedge".

"Oh great and powerful lion, what do you want?", said the zebra.
"I want a huge piece of meat", said the lion.
The zebra starred into his eye. "First give me a nickel before I die."
The lion said, "How are you going to spend it here?"
"Ok, I'll just have some honey", said the lion.
The zebra said, "Five dollars please." He handed him a bee hive.
"I didn't mean...ouch! ouch! ouch! Thank you ."

I like that I used a lot of strong verbs like "starred" and "spend" in my writing. I also liked the "ouch, ouch ouch" thank you part because it makes the poem funny! Hope you enjoyed it!


Becky Reeves said...

I had to picture your characters in my mind as I read your poem and when I finally saw them talking to each other, your poem came alive and it made me chuckle!! You really know how to make your characters jump off the page! I love you! Mommy

Beth said...

haha, thanks for making me laugh hannah, Ilove your poems! Keep on writing! When you get older, people are going to be looking in stores for your funny poems! :D

Earlene said...

I had to laugh as I pictured the zebra actually handing the lion a whole bee hive. I'll bet he really got stung. I used to help my dad take honey off his bee hives. I would tell my dad I didn't want to help because I always got stung. He'd tell me to just stand still and don't make any quick moves and I wouldn't get stung. Right!!! I got stung every time. And then I'd tell him that enough and I would go into the house and wait for him to get the honey. I didn't like to get stung and I'll bet the lion didn't either. Great poem Hannah! G'ma Reeves