Thursday, February 8, 2007

Ice Twin Story part 1 by Hannah

The Ice Twins are super heros who have ice powers like shooting ice out of their hands. There are two groups of ice twins and they ride on ice mobiles which are blue and green. They have blue suits that they wear when they ride their ice mobiles and when they are on a mission.

Once the Ice Twin one and two were on a mission to the evil doctor's lab and to free all the faithful prisoners he had captured. The misson would be very dangerous but nothing could stop them. "These big trees aren't so...stable", said Ice Twin one. (Ice twin one is a girl and the leader of the group.) Suddenly, BAM! CRASH! "Oh no", said Ice Twin two. (Ice twin two is the boy and the second twin of the first group.) CRASH! CRASH! All the trees started to fall! The vines swung to the left, to the right, and toward them! One vine caught Ice Twin one's wrist. Another vine caught Ice Twin two. They were trapped! Guards came, ceased them, and put them on a ship. It was a gigantic, red and black spaceship. On the ship, they were tied up in a dark corner and were helpless. The only way to escape was for Ice Twins three and four to come to the rescue...
Read the next post in order to find out what happens!!!

Isaac and I started a Ice Twin series. We got the idea of "Ice Twins" from Star Wars and Isaac's video games. This story took me a long time to write and to revise and edit. It will get funnier in th second part where they chased all around the world. Hope you enjoyed it!

1 comment:

Becky Reeves said...

You have such a creative imagination, Hannah Ruth! I'm looking forward to part two! Love, Mommy