Thursday, February 1, 2007

Homework!?! by Hannah

This poem is about a kid not wanting to do his homework! It's really funny.

Homework Homework, what's the big deal?
I have to do it everyday!
I need a break for goodness sake!
With the sun out and the sky clear
I feel like I could fly here.
Instead of doing my homework,
I could probably play with my friends
and play in the meadow.
That's why I don't like staying home.
I liked the way I wrote the last sentence because it sounds like the person is annoyed, and it's kind of funny too. I liked how I wrote it because I used my imagination about doing homework.


Becky Reeves said...

Hannah, I like your poem!! I guess it does make sense that if you're not at home you don't have to do homework. You have such a creative imagination. I love you! Love, Mommy

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Hannah! Very creative and interesting. I like your style. :) Love, Aunt Tracey

Unknown said...

Hannah, you are so clever to write such a creative and funny poem about homework!
love, Miss Katie

Beth said...

Wow Hannah! that was really good. And I know what you mean about homework, I hate it too. The bad thing about my school is that you have to do it even when your sick too! So its no use trying to stay home! ;)

Earlene said...


What a fun poem you wrote. And who wants to do homework when the sky is clear. That's the best time to play with friends. I will look forward to reading more of your poetry. I love you very much and miss you too. Grandma Reeves

Brian Dolinger said...

You crack us up! We loved reading your poem. We can't wait to see all of your upcoming writing pieces!
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Christy

Anthony Parker said...

Hi Hannah and Isaac,
This is Mr. Anthony, Jeremy and Jonathan's dad. I like your site and look forward to showing it to Jeremy and Jonathan in the morning. (They are asleep right now.)

Sarah said...

Hannah, this homework poem is very good. Andrew doesn't like homework, either (go figure!) and he dreads it every week. Love you, girlie!