Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Coming Soon

Thank you so much to all of you who read this blog regularly. Isaac and Hannah have enjoyed posting and reading all your comments. It has been a great,authentic way for them both to learn the writing process. Due to the end of school, posting will stop until the fall. The name of the blog will also be changing so be looking for the new "notebook" with additional authors who are now in 4th grade. Thank you and God Bless you!

Miss Rachel

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Kangaroo by Hannah

Subject: Kangaroo
Kingdom: Animal
Phylum: Vertebrate
Class: Mammals
Order: Marsupials

Baby kangaroos are called "joeys". Kangaroo''s help them balance.

Kangaroos are born in pouches. Kangaroos are related to the duck-
billed platypus, the Tasmanian devil, and the Koala Bear.

Gorilla by Isaac

I decided to report to you about Gorillas!

Subject: Gorilla
Adult: can weigh up to 500 lbs.
Personality: A gorilla can act mean to scare away his/her enemies.
Gorillas can learn sign language if they are taught.

Kingdom: Animal
Phylum: Vertebrate
Class: Mammal
Order: Primate

Fun Facts: The Gorilla is the largest great ape. There are
About 180 species of primates.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Camel by Isaac

I got this idea when you were thinking of the countries of India and Iran.

There once was a Camel, "Water keeper of the desert" the called him. One day he walked straight into the capital of Iran (which was the country he lived in). The people, the guards, and then King chased the camel across two countries. They stopped in a jungle land they called India. The camel and people lived happily ever after.

I wonder... by Hannah

This is a list of things I wonder.

1. I wonder what it would be like to be a grown-up.
2. I wonder why America is so much better than Africa.
3. I wdoner how people make inventions.
4. I wonder when I can watch grown-up moives.
5. I wonder if I could ever make a movie.
6. I wonder what outerspace is like.
7. I wonder who is the most famous person.
8. I wonder how people make bugspray.
9. I wonder if I could be famous.
10. I wonder why dad let me watch Star Wars so early.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pink Skink 1 by Hannah

This is a story about a Skink. I know that Skinks usually aren't pink. That's why I wanted to write this.

There once was a skink who went to the river for a drink.
Then he let out a toot and he really did stink.
But why was he pink? He's a skink!

Valley Forge by Isaac

This poem is about George Washington's men during the long winter at Valley Forge.

It is cold at Valley Forge
We don't have much food to gorge.
We are very weak and blueness
Covers our cheeks. We sleep in
Our bleek little houses, and
Share our homes with the rats and